Cadmium contents in the soils and plants cultivated in the ecologically hazardous regions
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Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural University of Cracow, Al. A. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
Publication date: 2020-08-24
Acta Agroph. 2001, (51), 85-90
The studies comprised 20 points localised in four communities of the Silesian province. The aim of the investigations was to assess cadmium contents in soils, grain and straw of spring barley cultivated in the ecologically hazardous region and to describe relations between this metal contents in the soils and indicative parts of barley. It was found out that 27 of the examined soils were characterised by an increased cadmium contents, 69 of the soils were slightly contaminated and 8 of them showed medium contamination. In 42 grain samples of barley the permissible dose was exceed in the plants appropriated for consumption. A significant relationship was found between cadmium contents in the soils and their granulometric composition. Significant relationships were also registered between cadmium concentration in the soil and its contents in barley. Cadmium contents in grain was significantly correlated with organic carbon and clay fraction. However for straw, significant relations were found between cadmium contents and granulometric composition, reaction and organic matter contents.