Diversity of the soil cover in the natural Tilio-Carpinetum stachyetosum in the Białowieża forest
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Department of Soil Science, Nicholas Copernicus University, Gagarina 9, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Publication date: 2020-06-15
Acta Agroph. 2001, (50), 7-16
Natural variability of pseudogley forest soils in the Białowieża National Park was characterised on the basis of five soil exposures. Two of them were located in a water-logged site, one in a mound one in a patch with dominance of deciduous trees, and one in a spruce biogrup. It was found that pseudogley soils of a natural moist deciduous forest show additional differentiation in the form of characteristic micromosaics. There is a pronounced impact of the species structure in a treestand, uprooted trees and hoofed mammals on the properties of the soil cover. Changes resulting from the above biotic factors were observed in all the analysed physical, physico-chemical and chemical soil parameters.