Peer Reviev Process:
- Submission
- Pre-evaluation
- Double Blind Reviev (Reviewer 1 and 2) and statistic corrections
- Author's Revision
- Second Review (Editor or previous Reviewers)
- Language and editorial corrections
- Accepted for publication (Subject matter)
Acta Agrophysics publishes articles in the Open Access system.
Publication ethics. The journal aims to follow the COPE’s
Code of Conduct (Committee on Publication Ethics) In case of a discovered misconduct on the author's part, such as plagiarism, falsifying data or double publication, the journal Editorial Team will call for explanation and then undertake appropriate steps by following the COPE flowcharts. This may eventually include notification of authorities at the author's institution, withdrawal of the article in question and exclusion of any further submissions by the same author from being processed by the journal.
The cost of publishing an article in the Acta Agrophysica journal is 350 EUR (since January 1, 2019). The cost for Polish Authors is 1500 PLN
The price include VAT.
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Instructions for Authors
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English-language correction of articles accepted for publication in the Acta Agrophysica – a task financed under contract 502/P-DUN/2017 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education funds allocated from the dissemination of science (2017-2018).
Implementation of a plagiarism detection program for the Acta Agrophysica journal - a task financed under contract 799/P-DUN/2018 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education funds allocated from the dissemination of science (2018-2019).
Language correction of articles published in the Acta Agrophysica journal - a task financed under contract 897/P-DUN/2019 from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education funds allocated from the dissemination of science (2019-2021).