Forecast of changes of drained peat landscapes and soils of Belarus
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Belarusian State University, Skaryny av. 4, 220050, Minsk, Belarus
Publication date: 2021-02-04
Acta Agroph. 2002, (68), 7-12
Methods of the forecast of drained landscape changes were proposed. Results of the monitoring research for many years and determination of main regularities in the change of landscapes and soils along with large experience of the forecast of drained soils relief, and other landscapes compositions put into the base of methods. Average coefficients of changes (T) of drained soils were calculated for their following differents: mineral and antropogenic mineral postpeat soils, drained peatly-gleyish (T > 0.3 m). peat-gley (T – 0.3-0.5 m), peat medium depth (T – 1.0-2.0 m), depth peat (T > 2.0 m). Values of coefficients are changing from + 1.0 to -4.0. The positive coefficient (with +) is common for antropogenic mineral postpeat and peat soils with a peat layer up to 0.5 m. Their areas are increased. Peat soils with a peat layer more then 0.5 m have negative coefficients of changing. Their areas are decreased. The formulas of calculation of coefficients of soils changes and for forecasting of soil's differents is adduced. The forecast of changing of drained natural territorial complex (NTC) was worked in the farm "Kornadz" (with the area more then 3 000 ha). The map for 1997 and the prognostic map for 2015 were compiled. All prognostic NTC will be having law productivity. In 1997 they occupied sufficiently less area – 47%. The forecast have showing that degradation of drained landscapes will be more abrupt due to the decrease of peat layer. As a result is the decrease of the productivity of soils and desertification of landscapes.
Prognoza zmian osuszonych krajobrazów i gleb Białorusi
monitoring, prognoza, osuszone krajobrazy, gleby, ewolucja, degradacja
Rozpatrzono metody prognozowania zmian osuszonych krajobrazów (PKT) na podstawie badań monitoringowych. Obliczono średnic współczynniki zmian PKT. Przytoczono formułę dla prognozowania zmian terenów osuszonych gleb i PKT. Prognozowanie osuszonych krajobrazów pokazuje ich powiększającą się degradację, zubożenie w perspektywie i wymaga natychmiastowego działania.
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